Your Dreams Need a Team

There are a few areas of leadership I feel quite competent in, and others I’d dub as, “Seriously Needing Growth” (which is a nice churchy-way of saying, I suck at em’). So, along with reading books on leadership, engaging with strong leaders, and looking for every opportunity to implement what I’m learning from both, I’ve also been praying.
But not in the manner you’d expect.
Rather than ask solely for improvements or an upgrade in the areas of needed growth in my life, I’ve been asking the Great Resourcer to raise up around me a godly team of men and women who excel in those specific areas of leadership I’m lacking in. Here are three things I’ve prayed for:
- "Lord, allow me the privilege of meeting and working alongside godly men and women in whom you’ve placed similar passions and dreams."
- "Lord, grant them great competence in the areas of leadership that cause me to break into a sweat."
- "Lord, grant us as a team a burning passion for your plans and a joyful camaraderie even when conflict is a necessary path we have to travel.
As if reading my mind, my good friend and bro-in-the-trenches, Ryan Faison (, recently posted a similar sentiment on Facebook.
How awesome is that? Your dreams DO need a team, and frankly, the level of talent and skills of people around you will determine how far you’ll go. Consider these men: Michael Jordan was outstanding, but having Scottie Pippen, Steve Kerr, and even Dennis Rodman came in handy during multiple NBA championships. Even with his dictatorial style of leadership at Apple, Steve Jobs is noted as having credited Jonathan Ive and his team for a lot of innovative products the company has put out.
Heck, even Jesus had a team!
Calm down heresy-hunters. I am well aware that Christ is all-sufficient God in Himself, and needs no one to complete Him. However, in His wisdom, He not only saw it fit to surround Himself with 12 dudes to advance His cause, but entrusted them with His vision (after His ascension) to redeem humanity to Himself.
All that to say, your dream needs a team, preferably a team made up of people smarter than you who share similar values, passions, and endgame.
Don’t have a team yet? (or even a dream to start with?). Then start where I started. Ask Christ in prayer, to birth in you a vision for your life and infuse you with a passion to pursue it. Then pray for the three things listed above and GO impact your world.
The truth of the matter is, people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world or put a dent in the universe, crazy enough to humble themselves and surround themselves with men and women more brilliant than they, are usually the ones who do! (à la Steve Jobs).

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.