I Thought God Grumbled Every Time I Prayed
Something intense happened during my prayer time.
Lemme back up.
In times when I’ve had a need to bring to God, for reasons I’m still working through, I’ve often pictured God as a reluctant billionaire who I have to work to convince that my need is legit.
Yes. I know that’s not who He is. But it’s the picture my mind conjured up when I closed my eyes to pray.
It happened again today. I was praying about something that’s been weighing on my heart, a pressing need that God apparently doesn’t consider to be a matter of urgency. And there it was again. The picture of the giant bright wealthy figure, surrounded by dazzling glory of light, grumbling, shifting uncomfortably in His seat and rolling His eyes thinking, “...here he comes again with his prayer requests.”
As in the past, this image attempted to keep me from making my petitions, but I chose to pray anyway because in spite of what I was feeling and thinking, Biblical truth tells me that my Father in heaven hears me when I cry out to Him.
I was just about to speak when, (for reasons I can only attribute to the Holy Spirit), I suddenly pictured a heavenly Father EAGER to hear me talk to Him. (Words fail me here as the pictures and feelings that overwhelmed me in that moment cannot be captured with mere words). From the deepest parts of my soul, I heard and felt God inviting me in to meet with Him.
In spite of the guilt I felt about a number of issues, loving grace overwhelmed me and my words flowed freely. I prayed for the needs on my heart with great relief, but instead of ending with “Amen” or “in Jesus name” as I often do, I found myself repeatedly saying, “I love you God, so much. I love you with all my heart. I love you…”
I can't even begin to explain how incredible it was to experience this. SELAH - O, How Great the Love of the Father.
It’s from the overflow of this great love poured out on me this morning that I offer these words of encouragement. God is more eager to hear you pour your heart out to Him than you are willing to try. Yes, He’s aware of your all your junk. Yes, He’s aware of what you did this morning, last night, heck, even 30 minutes ago! Yes, He’s aware that you haven’t come to Church in weeks, haven’t prayed in a while, and haven’t __________________ (fill in the blank).
Understand that in spite of all those shortcomings, God is a caring Father who desires not only for all men to be saved, but for you to know Him intimately. The work He accomplished on the cross through His Son Jesus Christ assures that all of your sins in the PAST are completely forgiven, your CURRENT struggles are all covered by His blood, and your FUTURE failures are paid in full by the incomparable loving grace of what He did on the cross of calvary.
If that much work has gone into securing your relationship with God, think ye not that HE is eager to embrace and welcome you into HIS presence during prayer, even when you screw up? Trust me my friends, there is a greater level of intimacy that God longs to shower on you if only you'd draw near and ask.
So, find a quiet spot sometime today and talk to God like HE’s the perfect Father you never had, but always longed for. Remember, He is more eager to hear from you and speak into your life than you are even willing to try.
→ → TALKBACK: What mental images come to mind every time you come to God in prayer?

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.