One of my goals for this year is to make my blog better and more relevant to the needs of my readers. To do so, I need to know more about YOU. As a result, I created a simple 10-Question Reader Survey. (The survey is CLOSED at this time. Thanks for participating!)
Would you please take a few minutes to fill out? It will take you less than five minutes. Your input is important and valuable to me and will help me make my weekly blog content even more interesting and relevant to you.
As a GIFT TO YOU for taking time out of your busy schedule to answer those 10 questions, I am offering you an awesome FREE e-Booklet I recently put together titled, "12 PRAYER POINTS THAT WILL FAN INTO FLAME YOUR LOVE FOR GOD!" As Christians, we sometimes run low on passion. These prayers will serve as a daily guide and prompts as you seek to grow closer to your loving Father in heaven. At the end of the survey, you'll be provided with a LINK TO DOWNLOAD the free resource. Thanks so much for taking the time!