Can I Really Do ALL THINGS Through Christ (Philippians 4:13)

It is perhaps the most popular Bible passage you will hear most Christians quote.
There is not a country in the world where Christians reside where you won’t see this passage quoted. Whether it’s in English or the native dialect, it is written everywhere, on teacups, coffee cups, hats, t-shirts, posters, and road signs. It’s so popular that even sports athletes and non-Christian-related organizations use it to motivate their staff to GO FOR IT!
In fact, one translation of the Bible called the 20th Century New Testament translates that passage this way, “Nothing is beyond my power in the strength of Him who makes me strong!” So of course, you can see why this passage has so much appeal. It sounds like a verse that offers unlimited possibilities!
It is in Philippians 4:13 and it says, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.”
The series of question I want to address in this post, questions that ruminate in my mind when I hear pastors quote this passage to their congregations or when Christians quote it and claim it as a personal promise from God, is this…
Was Paul giving Christians a blank check? Can we literally do all things we set our minds to, or all things we trust God to do? Because if it’s legit, then I don’t know about you, but there’s a TON I have to do in mind in Nigeria before the end of this year!
So, I ask once again, is this passage saying that Jesus is like a genie in a bottle who grants any wish according to our desire? Or is there some greater context as to what it is we can do through Christ who strengthens us?
Allow me to provide you with four answers to these questions I posed, along with a principle to think about for each one. Also, just a heads up, each answer builds on the next, so it will all come together when we get to the final answer.
First of all, let’s get some context: prison letters
At the time of this writing, Paul is under house arrest awaiting trial, mostly likely in Rome during the reign of the mad emperor Nero. Paul understands that there is the high possibility that his plea before the Roman emperor will result in his death because Nero was well known for his hostility toward Christians (Phil. 1:20–21; 2:17). It is with all this in mind that Paul writes that he has learned the secret of being content. Unlike many who quote this passage today, Paul understood that contentment was not directly related to one’s environment or situation. So, when he says he “can do all things through Christ”, his context has nothing with winning or achieving your next quarterly sales goal.
Got it? Okay, with that background in mind, let’s jump into the first question and its answer: “Can a Christian really do ALL things through Christ who strengthens him/her?”
There is a huge difference between wishing I can do whatever I want for Jesus and being filled with a holy burning ambition to do something SPECIFIC for Jesus.
When this Philippians 4:13 is quoted, it is often treated like an open-ended offer. In reality, it is more applicable to specific areas of a burden or calling God has placed in your life.
It’s a very simple principle; if you’re saying you can do all things through Christ (or a specific thing through Christ), the question you need to first wrestle though is, “Has God called you to this? Is this a holy ambition from heaven or just a personal ambition? Is what you want to do in line with God’s gifting in your life? Is it in line with the work God has been preparing you for over the years?
Listen, you will be able to do all things through Christ, provided those things are what God wants you to do!
That’s the first answer to the question, the principle of desire. The 2nd answer to the question of, “can you really do all things through Christ who strengthens you?”
Once again, this verse is not a blank check. When Paul says, “I can do all things through Christ.”, he isn’t saying, “I can accomplish any idea I can dream up.” Especially when you consider where Paul is when he’s writing this letter of Philippians. He’s in a Roman prison; so the “all things” Paul is actually referring to is the difficult circumstances you might sometimes find yourself in.
Earlier in verse 12, we learn why and how it is Paul can do all things through Christ …it is because he has learned to be content in whatever circumstances he finds himself in.
So, if we were to restate verse 12, it would sound more like this…
Whether I have a house over my head where I sleep every night or my house burns down and I’m homeless… I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Whether I am strong, healthy and able to exercise or I am sick with Chicken pox, Malaria, and the corona virus or … I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Whether I eat like a prince every night or I can’t afford a single loaf of bread… I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Whether I have millions of Naira in my bank account or I am broke and my light bill is due… I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
Whether I am the popular kid in my school or if I don’t have any friends…
That’s the idea behind Philippians 4:12-13, I have learned through the power of Christ in me that I can face whatever comes my way. If it’s good, I can enjoy it. If it’s not so good, I can deal with it because I have access to the everlasting strength of Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit who directs me.
So, yes, through Jesus Christ you can do everything God wants you to do, but understand that that may involve you experiencing the highs and lows of life!
The emphasis of the passage isn’t the endless possibilities of all you can do, no. Rather, the emphasis is on Christ… who gives you strength to DO!!
The Greek word means “to pour strength into” in the same way that you pour tea or coffee into a cup. It’s the picture of an empty vessel filled by an outside source. When we face a life situation that seems insurmountable, Jesus Christ pours his strength into us.
That’s the difference between Christianity and any of the thousand other self-help books and religions out there. Most of them tell you can become great, and powerful, and beautiful if you really put your mind it, and focus and work hard at it. or empty yourself and become one with the universes.
Christianity says, actually the reason you can do all things is because of JESUS CHRIST WITHIN!
You can do “all things” if you ARE BEING LED BY and are completely relying on Jesus Christ. Not in your own strength, not in your own wisdom, and not in your own ability to figure things out. But if you adopt the mindset that, “Lord Jesus, I’m relying on you. Not I, but you in me”…then you can do all things through Christ.
As a pastor, I have learned that the issue for most Christians isn’t whether they believe or not that they can do all things through Christ, … the issue for many is that we are too timid to start or take the first step. The philosophy for some is, “Ready… Set…. Set… Getting Ready… Ready…. Set… And most people never get to go!! This happens for a variety of reasons.
Perhaps we’re pursuing a vision God hasn’t called you to;
or we’re so focused on our failures and faults that we can’t imagine being used by God.
or perhaps the task genuinely looks impossible or too great.
So, here’s the deal. If God has laid a burden on your heart that has been growing into a desire, there is a point where you need to just go for it!! Stop daydreaming about it and start doing something about it.
I love this quote by Christian writer and humorist, Jon Acuff. He says…
“Get out, get moving, and just start. ACTION ALWAYS BEATS INTENTION. A dream you don’t have to fight for or work for isn’t a dream, it’s a nap. One changes your afternoon. The other changes the world. So, just get up and do something.”
So let me do a quick recap of the 4 answers to our question:
Yes, you do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you (if God has indeed planted the vision in you and it’s a holy ambition)
Yes, you do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you (as long as you understand that ALL THING may involve hard things)
Yes, you do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you (if you are relying on Christ to empower you to see it through to the end)
4Yes, you do all things through Jesus Christ who strengthens you (if you start today and don’t look back)…
When all 4 of these are in alignment, then you will experience Christ’s working in you to accomplish what God has impressed on you to do.
One author poet explained this verse in Philippians 4:13 this way:
I am not saying, “I can do all things.” Those are the words of a boaster.
I am not saying, “I can do some things.” Those are the words of a doubter.
But I am saying, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens.” Those are the words of a believer, a follower of Jesus Christ.

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.