That One Guy in the Bible No One Knows

When you finally make it to heaven, which New Testament heroe are you most excited to meet?
Most Christians are probably looking forward to meeting some Holy Hall of Famers—the big names who headline every Sunday School lesson. Perhaps you're eager to chat with Peter about that time he walked on water (and then didn't), or swapping stories with Paul, the guy who turned a prison sentence into a bestseller. We all have our favorites—our biblical celebrities who seem larger than life.
Yes, that’s a real person (and not an ancient herbal tea). Without sneaking a peek at Google, can you tell where he shows up in the New Testament, or even pronounce his name correctly?
Let me help you with that second part. It’s pronounced, “Tee-Chee-Cus”, and he’s an unsung hero of the early church who makes a cameo at the end of Paul's letter to the Ephesians. And trust me, his story is worth knowing.
Ephesians 6:21-22: “Tychicus, the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will tell you everything, so that you also may know how I am and what I am doing. I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage you.”Ephesians 6:21-22: “Tychicus, the dear brother and faithful servant in the Lord, will tell you everything, so that you also may know how I am and what I am doing. I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage you.”
This man is one of the forgotten heroes of the Bible, and not just because his name is a tongue twister. Tychicus was a behind-the-scenes kind of minister, the kind of person who doesn't seek the spotlight but is crucial to everything going smoothly. Quite frankly, without Tychicus’ faithfulness, we might not have a few of the New Testament epistles.
1. His Name is Mentioned 5 Times in the New Testament
You’ve probably never heard a sermon or Sunday School lesson about him, yet he's there in the background, showing up five times in the New Testament (Acts 20:4, Ephesians 6:21, Colossians 4:7, 2 Timothy 4:12, and Titus 3:12). Each time his name appears, it’s in the context of assisting Paul in spreading the Gospel through missionary trips. Paul even calls him a “faithful servant in the Lord” (Ephesians 6:21), and coming from Senior Pastor Paul, that’s a pretty big deal.
2. Tychicus Was One of Paul’s Most Trusted Friends
Tychicus was one of Paul’s most trusted friends (think of how critical that is considering a lot of pastors today don’t have close friends). If Paul needed to send a message to a church, he often relied on Tychicus to deliver it—verbally, no less. Can you imagine the pressure? Yet, Paul had complete confidence in him, referring to Tychicus as a “dear brother” or “beloved brother” (Colossians 4:7). Once again, that level of trust says a lot about the depth of their friendship.
3. Tychicus Came from a Church in Conflict
Tychicus didn’t come from a perfect background. He was part of the church in Ephesus, where, according to Acts 19, a riot broke out because of Paul’s preaching. The church wasn’t exactly a peaceful place either, it was full of false teachers (1 Timothy 1:3-7; 1 Timothy 4:1-3), and there was ongoing conflict between Jewish and Gentile believers. Yet, Tychicus remained faithful. He was molded in the fires of conflict, proving that you don’t need a perfect environment to serve God effectively.
4. Tychicus Was Present at the start of Paul’s Missionary Journeys and with him at the end.
Not everyone who started with Paul stayed or ended with Paul. Remember Demas? (2 Timothy 4:10) That guy literally ditched Paul for a shiny new love affair with the world. And let’s not forget John Mark’s little slip-up in Acts 13:13, where he bailed out early and left Paul and Barnabas to handle things on their own. On the contrary, Tychicus was with Paul from the beginning of his missionary journey in Acts and stayed with him until the end, even when things got really tough. In 2 Timothy 4:12, as Paul’s life and ministry were drawing to a close, we see Tychicus still faithfully serving. This man was in it for the long haul—right up until Paul was about to be executed. If that’s not the definition of a faithful minister of the Gospel, I don’t know what is.
Yet, I would argue that 90% of Christians have no idea who Tychicus is… but guess what? There’s a heavenly cloud of witnesses with a 100% awareness of his faithfulness to spread the Gospel. Tychicus may not have made it onto the “Most Likely to Succeed in Ministry” list, but he’s definitely in heaven’s “Hall of Fame.”
Don’t miss this: Your faithfulness in this world, even in the little things—whether at work, church, relationships, or giving—may never be known by people down here. But you are FULLY KNOWN by the Godhead and the saints in heaven. There are ledgers in the halls of eternity with angels taking note of all your faithful deeds.
Now, let’s talk about these heavenly ledgers for a moment. Did you know that the Bible mentions several books in heaven? If you’re a bookworm like I am, this might excite you: Imagine a heavenly data center just off Main Streets of Gold in heaven (Revelation 21:21), where a super heavenly cloud-based book retrieval system can pull up any book on demand. Instead of dusty shelves, think of a divine interface where you can access records of every event from eternity past to today. Whether you're searching for the “What Happened Before God Said, Let There Be…” volume or flipping through the “Times I Resisted the Urge to Clap Back on Social Media” chronicles, it’s all there, stored and ready for instant retrieval in the ultimate heavenly library.
I’m sorta-not kidding. There are several books in heaven mentioned in the Bible. Here are a few of we know about:
The Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 3:5) – This one’s got the names of all the saved, and trust me, it’s the book you want to be in.
The Book of Tears (Psalm 56:8) – Yes, God’s got a whole book where every tear you’ve cried to Him is recorded. All those tears over lost loves, broken dreams, and even physical pain—they’re all there.
The Books of Deeds (Psalm 139:16; Daniel 7:10) – Every single one of your deeds is recorded, both the ones you did for everyone to see and the ones you thought nobody saw. Spoiler alert: Someone did see.
The Scroll with Seven Seals (Revelation 5:1) – A prophetic scroll detailing God’s judgments on earth during the Tribulation, sealed and waiting for the right moment.
Someday soon, we’ll all gather in the heavenly halls (or stadium), and those book records will be opened. Every single one of your public deeds, every private, secret deed of faithfulness will be revealed, and you’ll be celebrated and rewarded for your faithfulness to God in the places He put you.
When you gave half of your last funds to that struggling family in need, even though you didn’t know how you’d make it through the week.
When you stayed late to clean the church after everyone else left, scrubbing floors and taking out trash, knowing only God saw your service.
When you spent hours in prayer for your congregation, interceding for them with tears, even when no one knew the weight you carried as a pastor.
When you chose purity, turning off that tempting show and filling your mind with Scripture instead, despite feeling alone as a single person.
When you wrote that encouraging note to a church member who was struggling, lifting their spirits without ever seeking recognition.
When you fasted in secret for a breakthrough in your church or family, keeping it between you and God while trusting Him with the outcome.
When you forgave someone who hurt you deeply, not because they asked for it, but because you knew it was what God wanted, even if no one else knew the pain.
When you faithfully tithed, even in the leanest times, believing that God would provide, despite the sacrifices it required.
When you visited that elderly member in the hospital, bringing comfort and prayer when others were too busy to notice.
When you discipled that new believer one-on-one, pouring into them week after week, knowing that their growth in Christ was reward enough.
These are the moments that heaven treasures—when you proved faithful behind the scenes, where only God was your audience. On the day of the LORD when we all stand before the inviting glory of Jesus Christ at His Judgment Seat (2 Corinthians 5:6-10; 1 Corinthians 3:12-15:), Tee-chee-cus (or however you want to pronounce it) will receive rewards and a standing ovation, not only from the people of his day but from all of us throughout history who received the Gospel because of this man’s behind-the-scenes service.
So, what about you?
When that day comes—and believe me, it is sooner than it has ever been at any other time in history—when those books of records are opened, and all that you’ve said and done in secret is revealed, what will it show?
Will it reveal that you were faithful to what was entrusted to you, even when no one was looking? Will those book records show that you gave sacrificially, served humbly, and loved genuinely—just like Tychicus, who remained steadfast from beginning to end? Or will it expose that your good works were done merely for the applause of others, for the approval and recognition that come from being seen?
I’ll leave you with these haunting words from the apostle about that day, and some encouraging words from Jesus about preparing for that moment.
Paul - 1 Corinthians 3:11-15, “For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.
Jesus - Galatians 6:9-10, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up. So then, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
Stay faithful, my friends, because heaven is watching—and taking notes!

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.