2 Simple and Practical Ways You Can Love Hurting People Today

I’m going to say something upfront that may rub you the wrong way, but please understand that I mean well. When you read through this blog post, please don’t just “LIKE” it, “SHARE” it, “TWEET” it, or send a “SNAP” about it.
Instead, I challenge you to let it stir your heart so that you actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. TODAY.
Okay. I’m off my soapbox. Now, to the actual content.
Too often, I feel helpless when I read or watch the news about persecuted Christians around the world, especially in northern Nigeria. As a Nigerian American (and a Christian human), my heart hurts deeply for thousands of brothers and sisters in Christ, in Nigeria who are being persecuted because of their faith.
More of that in a minute.
Having lived here in the United States for two decades, there are many things I am deeply grateful for, but TWO that I too often take for granted.
- Easy Access to Light (electricity).
- Easy access to the Bible.
I can walk into any bookstore at anytime and pick up any version of the Bible I want to read, (and actually read it). In some of those stores, I can also sit under a well lit area with my Coffee and read the contents of that Bible.
Unfortunately, my brothers and sisters in the Northern parts of Nigeria know NOTHING of such luxuries. In villages like Shonong , Bachit , and Fang , Christians have experienced great persecution from Islamic terrorists. Many have lost their homes, lands, farms, and heartbreakingly, their loved ones.
Sadly, they don’t even have access to a Bible to turn to for encouragement. Even in instances where a Bible is available, many in the community do not have the most basic of education and cannot read. Furthermore, many of them live in darkness (literally) due to a lack of electricity in these regions.
No light to see in the dark. No God’s word to speak to them in the midst of their darkness.
Fortunately, THERE IS A SOLUTION. You see, recently, I've been feeling compelled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ to stop moaning and winning about it all and TO FINALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
Hands of Mercy World Outreach is a non-profit organization in Nigeria that I am a part of. Our goal is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and alleviate the suffering of persecuted brethen all over Nigeria, and in extension, the world.
Provide Solar Powered Audio Bibles
Provide Solar Powered Lanterns
The solar powered audio Bible is called “The Treasure” and it brings the Gospel to life for millions of unreached oral learners! The entire New Testament has been recorded in the northern Nigerian dialect of Hausa, and can be easily listened to by a roomful of men and women gathered in a house Church.
Each device, containing the Old and New Testament costs $50. We plan to purchase 100 audio Bibles. Total cost $5000.
The Solar Powered Lanterns are called LuminAid. It is a simple device that charges outside in direct sun for 7 hours. It has a max brightness of 65 Lumens and can hold a charge for up to 30 hours. It will serve communities that have been ravaged by providing light to navigate dark nights.
Each individual PackLite costs $19.99. We plan to purchase 100. Total cost $2000. The additional $500 is for shipping all the products overseas to Nigeria.
These items will be purchased and distributed in the villages of Shonong, Bachit, and Fang by Christmas 2016.
The apostle Paul says in Romans 10:14 that, “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?”
You have an opportunity to be a part of “telling” thousands of Nigerian Christians about the love of Jesus Christ through your financial gift. Please consider donating to Hands of Mercy for this cause as our Nigerian brothers and sisters in northern Nigeria are in dire need.
Thank you. May God bless you as you bless our brothers and sisters in Christ in Nigeria.

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.