The One Thing You Shouldn't Wait Till a Funeral to Say

A longtime friend of mine recently shared some kind words about the impact I made on their life years ago.
It was an encouraging start to my day. I got all bubbly inside and smiled at the fact that one person loves Jesus a little more as a result of having crossed paths with me.
That was my first thought.
My second thought was, “I’m so appreciative that they said this now. Most people don’t get to hear stuff like this till they’re laying in their casket.”
Yes. I know. It’s morbid, but you’ve probably had a similar thought too.
Ever been to a funeral where people share how kind, how loving, how caring, and how much of an impact the deceased had on them?
I have. In over a decade of ministry, I’ve ministered casket-side at several dozen funerals as friends and family of the departed sung beautiful praises of their loved one. As I listened, I’ve often quietly wondered if these same words were spoken to the person when they were alive. At one funeral [and in light of the circumstances surrounding the person's death], I couldn't help but think to myself, “If what’s being said now were said to this dude when he was alive, he probably wouldn’t be lying here right now.”
At the risk of becoming judgmental, God also quietly posed the same question to me; “Hey Shegz [Yes. God calls me, “Shegz”!] Who in your life needs to hear from you today about the positive impact they’ve had on your life? Who is feeling discouraged today about their place in this world and the impact they hope they’ll leave, someone who could benefit from you singing their praises for all they’ve done for you?”
I didn’t have to dig very far to come up with several names. The question, however, is one that I keep at the forefront of my mind whenever I cross paths with someone who has had a positive impact on my life. It’s the same question I was thinking of this morning when my friend shared those kind words with me.
It’s also the same question I want to pose to you at this start of this week.
Who has taken the time to invest in your life? Whom have you crossed paths with, an interaction of which resulted in a better-you? (Or at least, neared you to closer your end-goal?)
Got a few names? Great! Here’s a simple challenge: Holla at em’ this week and honor them!
Seriously. Whether it’s a short note, a post, a tweet or an actual face-to-face human conversation, sing someone else’s praises this week. Let them know the difference they’ve made in your life today so that when they’re gone, you don’t stand around wishing you had said something earlier.
Not sure what to say or how to say it? Let Philippians 4:8 be your inspiration, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things.”
May God help you make someone's day!