Esther Pt.4 - When It's Okay NOT to Mind Your Own Business

Esther 4:1-17
Read the blog post on esther chapter four here
How have you processed painful news in the past? What’s your first immediate reaction? (Tears? a drink at the bar? arguing? Long walks? Silence?)
Every Jew in Susa was bewildered by the news of coming genocide (3:15) and mourned dramatically. How do you tend to react when others are dramatically expressive in their grieving?
Why do you think Esther sent Mordecai clothes instead of coming out to meet with and comfort him?
Why do you think Mordecai refused the change of clothes Esther offered? (After all, one can still mourn in clean clothes).
In your opinion, do you think Mordecai was asking too much of Esther in verse 6-8?
In light of what could have happened to Esther if Xerxes was in a bad mood (verse 10-11), was it fair for Mordecai to make such a dangerous request of Esther?
Can you think of people in history, (Biblical or secular) who risked greatly to achieve a good cause?
What’s the riskiest decision you’ve ever had to make or been asked to make What did it cost you?
Esther hadn’t been “called in” to the king for 30 days, how does this raise the stakes for Esther? Think: Does the fact that she points out that length of time indicate something?
Why do you think Esther sent Mordecai clothes instead of coming out to meet with and comfort him?
Mordecai ends up giving Esther, “The Talk” (verse 12-14) that every young person must hear from an adult at least once in their lifetime. Can you sum up his talk in your own words?
Even though Esther would approach the king alone, she certainly didn’t prepare alone. What did she do to prepare? (verse 16)
Have you ever fasted before? Has God ever allowed the threat of trouble in your life drive you to your knees? If so, what happened, how did you respond, and what did you learn from the experience?

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.