2 Ways to Help Stop Murder (in Nigeria)

I apologize for interrupting your otherwise exhilarating day to bring you this important life and death Message.
There is an ongoing atrocity taking place in Nigeria that the mainstream media has chosen to remain strangely quiet about. FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST IN SOUTHERN KADUNA ARE UNDER SIEGE FROM ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS. Murderous incidents are being acted out with accelerating frequency, perpetrated primarily by two terror groups, (Boko Haram and Fulani militia).
This video record is just one of several incidents that have taken place in the last few weeks in southern Kaduna. This particular killing spree took place recently in Zaman Dapo village in Kaduna. The wailing and crying you are hearing is the voice of mothers, fathers, and children mourning their loved ones whose bodies are lying in a bloodpool right in front of them. I have attempted to edit and cover up many of the gory images of mutilated bodies of men, women, and children so as to not get flagged by Facebook; and quite frankly, so as not to scar you emotionally for the rest of the day.
It is deeply disturbing that these FULANI perpetrators continue to operate with impunity. Worse still, the failure or unwillingness of those in authority to address these has not only allowed the violence to mutate but has also created an environment in which Boko Haram can extend its operations from the northern regions of Nigeria, eventually into the south!
Nigeria’s increasing security vacuum is a threat, not only to Christians in Nigeria, but to the region and the nation. I share this video now, one, to make you aware that there IS an atrocity taking place that is affecting our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ in Nigeria. I plead and ask that when you are gathered with other believers, Pray for God’s supernatural protection and deliverance from these evil men. Pray that, as in Peter’s case in Acts 12:5-18, angels of God would intervene to not only confuse the perpetrators of evil, but deliver the local men and women from danger. Pray that all political and authority figures working in collaboration with the perpetrators would be exposed and removed from seats/positions of power in Nigeria.
The other goal is sharing this video is to reiterate calls that have been made for international pressure on both the state and federal authorities to fulfil their duty of care towards ALL Nigerian citizens regardless of creed or ethnicity, and to fully resource the security forces, enabling them to secure the nation before it is too late. I would even go as far to call for the UN Human Rights Council to convene a special session on the human rights situation in central Nigeria, with particular focus on current violations in the southern Kaduna area and Plateau state.
Please join me in sharing this video on your social media platform. Perhaps if we make enough noise about these atrocities, we’ll be loud enough to awaken those in authority and in position to put a finality to it.
In the updated words of Martin Niemöller,
“First they came for the (Christians in southern Kaduna), and I did not speak out—because I was not from southern Kaduna. Then they came for the (Christians in southeast Nigeria), and I did not speak out— because I was not from southern Nigeria. Then they came for the (Christians next to MY city) and I did not speak out—because it wasn’t MY city. Then they came for me— (but) there was no one left to speak for me.”

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.