Christians in Nigeria are Being Massacred

Christians in northern Nigeria are experiencing a version of the Rwandan genocide against the Tutsis (see movie: “Hotel Rwanda” for reference)
Followers of Jesus Christ in Southern Kaduna are under siege from Islamism extremist. Murderous incidents are acted out with accelerating frequency, perpetrated primarily by two terror groups, (Boko Haram, but more recently, Fulani militia).
The pattern is the same. Heavily armed Fulani jihadis appear in the dead of night. They attack house after house, breaking down doors, shouting “Allahu akbar.” They shoot the elderly and able-bodied men. They rape, hack to death with machetes, and murder women. They kidnap young boys and girls. They torch the bodies, houses, schools, and churches.
The military only shows up afterward (if at all) to denounce the violence.
While thousands of Christians and their villages have been wiped out in the last decade, in the last two weeks alone, these town/cities/villages have been decimated: Zipak (Jemaa LGA in southern Kaduna), Agwala Magayaki of Doka Avong, Kajuru LGA in Southern Kaduna, Kizachi-Chawai, a far removed village bounded by hills, in Chawai chiefdom, Kauru LGA in Southern Kaduna; and the more popularly known town of Chibok.
More troubling is the fact that these attacks are taking place under a state sanctioned 24-hour curfew rigidly imposed by the governor of Kaduna. This forces innocent citizens to remain indoors and unable to rally the community to defend themselves while the perpetrators carry out their evil deeds with brazen impunity. Approximately 100 people (and counting) have been murdered in these recentatrocities without any intervention by security agencies deployed by the local government to enforce the curfew.
Tens of thousands of Nigerians have been slaughtered in the last decade, but their stories rarely appear in mainstream Western news reports, AND IT IS GETTING WORSE!
It’s time to shine a spotlight on this crisis. We need to demand that the Nigerian government protect the Christians there. In light of the glaring failure of the state and Federal government to protect the people, communities should be allowed under the supervision of relevant security outfits to reasonable arm themselves for self-defense since the security outfits have admitted that they are overwhelmed and unable to provide adequate security.
A response to by Rev. Stephen Panya Baba (ECWA President, ECWA Headquarters, Jos)
In the book of Acts 12:5-18, Peter was facing a life and death situation. King Herod was arresting and killing Christians. He has just ordered the beheading of James, the apostle. Next he orders the arrests of Peter, imprisons him in chains, no doubt with the intention to also have him killed.
Verse 5, however, is the game changer. It says, “…but fervent and persistent prayer for him was being made to God by the church.” As a result of this prayer gathering, an epic-level deliverance happens. An angel shows up. Peter’s chains melt off his hands. The angel directs him to freedom. Peter shows up and interrupts the prayer meeting being held on his behalf, and the intercessory team is shocked.
The point I want to draw out of this story is that YOUR PRAYERS, AS FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST STILL PACK A PUNCH! Distance is not a hindrance because “The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it.” So your prayers in the United States is effectual in the lives of our brothers and sisters in Kaduna, Nigeria.
So, we’re asking; when you sit with your families tonight, when you gather with other Christians, whether at church, work, or in your homes,
Pray for God’s supernatural protection and deliverance from these evil men. Pray that, as in Peter’s case, angels of God would intervene to not only confuse the perpetrators of evil, but deliver the men and women from danger.
Pray that all political and authority figures working in collaboration with the perpetrators would be exposed and removed from seats/positions of power in Nigeria.
Pray that northern Christians who have endured months of persecution are now experiencing faith-fatigue would be renewed in their love for Jesus Christ. Dare to ask God that Jesus Christ Himself would grant the Christians in southern Kaduna a visitation to build up and encourage them in their faith in Him.

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.