The One Where the Kids Don't Have Friends (When Dads Pray - Week 3)

I saw this meme online a few weeks ago that made me laugh out loud for a good minute. It was a picture of Jesus and His disciples and the caption read, “How come no one ever talks about the miracle of Jesus having 12 close friends in His 30s?!”
Ain’ that the truth?
I got a kick out of it because if you’re past the age of 40, chances are, you can probably count on a few fingers the number of people in your life you would call, “close friends.”
I recall the years before college when I had a crew of about 7 guys I hung out with almost daily. Now, I have to plan a babysitter weeks in advance, check my calendar with my wife to make sure we have no family activities planned, and ensure none of my binge-worthy Netflix shows has released a new season before I can get some dude-time with ONE friend!
My kids on the other hand become best friends with pretty much everyone they meet. My oldest son is such an extrovert that I once overheard him scheduling a play date with someone I’m pretty sure he’d only met once, without checking in with me or the kid’s parent.
My other boy, however, is somewhat of an introvert who prefers to march to the beat of his own drum. Honest dad-moment here. I had a conversation with him a little while back that broke my heart for him. I was telling him about a new after-school activity we were about to sign him up for and he said, “Dad, can you also sign me up for some friends because no one really plays with me at school.”
Man, it felt like someone had just stepped on my heart. I wanted to go to his school and tell all the five year olds there how great and funny, and how kind a kid he was if only they would take the time to get to know him! But of course, I couldn’t – so I hugged him tight and gave him some tips on how to BE the kind of good friend that attracts great friendships. Then I prayed for him the prayer I’m about to pray for your kids should you ever find your children in a similar situation.
I don’t know about you, but I want my kids to have great friendships, the kind of long-term friendships that will continue into their teens, through college, and into their 30s and 40s.
So, that’s what we’re going to pray for today, that God would bless our kids with great lifelong friendships.
“Father in heaven, I pray that you would bless our kids with good friendships. Help them come into contact with friends who share their passions, likes, and even dislikes. Bless them with kind friends they can do life with, friends who will mutually encourage each other and bring out the best in one another. Grant our kids a best friend who will stay close to them like a brother (or sister), a friend they can grow with all through their life.
Bless them with friends who will be strong when they are weak, honest and loving when they need to hear truth, and kindhearted when life gets hard.
Jesus, teach our children how to be good friends to the kids already in their lives and make them a great source of encouragement to others. Help them always think of creative ways they can love and serve each other with love and genuine affection. Bless our kids with a spirit of friendliness so that they can present themselves in such a way that others find warm and welcoming.
Lord Jesus, protect our children from ungodly influences who may lead them away from you and into trouble. Grant our children the godly resolve to resist the temptations of foolish friends who might try to lead them away from your calling on their life. Protect them from bullies who might try to take advantage of them and send strong friends their way who will stand up for them when they feel alone.
Teach us as parents how to make friends with other parents whose kids will love and share life with our kids. Help us demonstrate well what a good friend does by loving and caring for the friends already in my life.
Thank you, Jesus for not only being our Lord, Savior, but also our friend. Help us love others as you have loved us, in Jesus name. Amen.”
Hey dad, thanks for taking the time to pray along with me today. If you enjoyed today’s blog post, I would love to hear your feedback and any insight you might have about what we should pray for next. Just leave a note below in the comment section!
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Catch you same time next week!

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.