The One Where The Kids Might Be Greedy (When Dads Pray - Week 2)

Let’s start off with a little math. If I gave you $10 for every time you have had to tell one of your kids, “You have to share!”, how much would you have?
I don’t know about you, but if I were to count just the last 6 months, I’d have enough cash to hire a sitter and take my wife out for a night out in the city (Post-quarantine, of course).
Generosity doesn’t come naturally to most kids. High on the list of first words many of them learn without being taught, is the word, “MINE!”
At one of the daycares we used to take my kids to, there was a poster on the wall with a poem that I thought hilarious. It was titled, “10 TODDLER RULES” by an unknown author. It’s supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, and from the perspective of the toddler. It goes thus:
If I want it, it's mine.
If it's in my hand, it's mine.
If I can take it away from you, it's mine.
If I had it a little while ago, it's mine.
If it's mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
If we are building something together, all the pieces are mine.
If it just looks like mine, it's mine.
If I think it's mine, it's mine.
If I give it to you and change my mind later, it's mine.
Once it's mine it will never belong to anyone else, no matter what!
Some of you dads just had this conversation with your kids!
Unless you’re among that one percent with a kid or kids who like to give everything away, literally everything, even your stuff without asking your permission (those kids do exist believe it or not); unless you’re them, most of us just desperately want our kids to be more generous and to learn to share with others, especially with their siblings.
Generosity and sharing is a great Biblical value to instill in our kids, because there is nothing more Christlike than having a generous spirit. So, dads, that’s what we will be praying for our kids today, that God would bless them with a generous sharing heart.
“Lord God, your word says in Proverbs 11:24-25 that big-hearted person who gives generously will increase what he has, and the one who withholds and is stingy will lose even what they have. Lord, Jesus, teach my children to have a generous spirit. Grant them a caring heart that shares willingly, a heart that joyfully looks out for the good of others. Bless them with this same heart attitude toward their siblings. Help them comprehend early in life that it is truly more rewarding to give than to stockpile all that they have.
Help them understand that all that they have been blessed with is a gift from you, and that even the most expensive things in this world like gold, silver, and diamonds all belong first and foremost to you!
Help them understand your truth that someday they will need to give you a report for how generous they were with all that you gave them, and may that knowledge transform them into responsible and generous children.
Lord, God help my children see just how generous a God you are and give them a deep appreciation for the precious gifts you have already given us; Gifts like a beautiful sunny day and the snow that falls from the sky; for gifts like the air we breathe and the beautiful animals in the ocean, and for the most precious and most generous gift of all – sending your son Jesus Christ to pay for our sins on the cross.
Thank you so much, God! Help us and teach us to be as generous as you have been to us. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
Hey dad, thanks for taking the time to pray along with me today. If you enjoyed today’s blog post, I would love to your feedback, and any insights you might have about what we should pray for next.
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Catch you next time!

Husband. Dad. Pastor. Nigerian American. Storyteller. Aspiring Prayer Warrior. Steak Lover. Follower of Jesus Christ reminding you that God the Father still loves you.